by Admin | Feb 10, 2010 | 2010, Archives
Ice Follies 2010 February 14th - March 20th, 2010 Michael Belmore, Solace, 2010 Michael Belmore’s Solace made use of a smaller used ice-fishing shack sealed and wired to display gold-leaf inlayed river stones. “Grandfather” stones that were viewed from the...
by Admin | Feb 10, 2010 | 2010, Archives
Ice Follies 2010 February 14th - March 20th, 2010 Andy Fabo, Van LaPointe and Kevin O’Byrne, Luv Shack, 2010 On one side viewers will see a digital mosaic of people in the North Bay art scene that have been stitched together from portraits by kevin from 2 nights...
by Admin | Feb 10, 2010 | 2010, Archives
Ice Follies 2010 February 14th - March 20th, 2010 Amy Switzer, Ice Heads, 2010 Amy Switzer is a well known sculptor and artist from the Barrie area who was a North Bay resident for many years. Amy will construct a series of ice sculptures on the lake. These...
by Admin | Feb 10, 2010 | 2010, Archives
Ice Follies 2010 February 14th - March 20th, 2010 Andrew Van Schie, The Auger Project, 2010 For Andrew Van Schie’s Auger Project, “the artist will organize a small group of volunteer workers to auger 1500 holes into the ice of Lake Nipissing. The holes will be...
by Admin | Feb 10, 2010 | 2010, Archives
Ice Follies 2010 February 14th - March 20th, 2010 Steve Sopinka, Out[Side]In, 2010 Architecture, now more than ever, needs to be sustainable by default, ecological by necessity, and as a result, connect humans with their environment. This could be an architecture that...