Barry Prophet, Sound Booth, 2010

Barry Prophet, Sound Booth, 2010

Ice Follies 2010 February 14th - March 20th, 2010 Barry Prophet, Sound Booth, 2010 Sound Booth is a site-specific wind sensitive sound art installation created by Barry Prophet for Ice Follies 2010 in North Bay. An 8ft x 8ft x 8ft high Ice Fishing Hut type structure...
Aidan Urquhart, Sunshine Thoughts, 2010

Aidan Urquhart, Sunshine Thoughts, 2010

Ice Follies 2010 February 14th - March 20th, 2010 Aidan Urquhart, Sunshine Thoughts, 2010 Knowing that his installation would be in the middle of a frozen lake with white all around it, Aidan Urquhart came to Ice Follies with an idea in mind, to recreate the thoughts...
Dieter Schmeiger, Lympische Hausen, 2010

Dieter Schmeiger, Lympische Hausen, 2010

Ice Follies 2010 February 14th - March 20th, 2010 Dieter Schmeiger, Lympische Hausen, 2010 Wind Hausen is the working title for a large colourful sculptural piece by Wernemunde artist, Dieter Schmieger. Schmieger will create a multi-colored “tentacled” form on the ice...
Jeannie Thib, Cache, 2008

Jeannie Thib, Cache, 2008

Ice Follies 2008 February 23rd - March 17th, 2008 Jeannie Thib, Cache, 2008 Materials: Used ice hut, hand-cut fabrene, wood It is strange how an artist, a good one, can turn up everywhere. It takes so little to trigger a memory. I looked through the frost patterns on...