Peter Nickle, Ice Cracks, 2008

Ice Follies 2008 February 23rd - March 17th, 2008 Peter Nickle, Ice Cracks, 2008 Materials: PZM microphones and electrical/audio cables Ice Cracks by Peter Nickle is a sound art installation is that operated from a small recreational vehicle parked adjacent to the...
Donald Lawrence, One Eye Folly, 2008

Donald Lawrence, One Eye Folly, 2008

Ice Follies 2008 February 23rd - March 17th, 2008 Donald Lawrence, One Eye Folly, 2008 Materials: Used boat, metal tiles, wood The One Eye Folly by Donald Lawrence is a camera obscura that was constructed on top of a small rowboat. The work is configured as a piece of...
Nicole Dextras, Resource, 2008

Nicole Dextras, Resource, 2008

Ice Follies 2008 February 23rd - March 17th, 2008 Nicole Dextras, Resource, 2008 Materials: Frozen Water & Wood Resource was a new structural installation work by environmental artist Nicole Dextras from Vancouver, made of tower ice letters that melted and morphed...