by Admin | Feb 24, 2006 | 2006, Archives
Ice Follies 2006 February 18th - March 11th, 2006 Lise Beaudry, Video Ice Hut #1, 2006 Materials: Borrowed ice hut, video monitor, DVD player, colored pencils, and furniture Lise Beaudry repurposed an existing and functional ice hut to house an audiovisual display...
by Admin | Feb 24, 2006 | 2006, Archives
Ice Follies 2006 February 18th - March 11th, 2006 FASTWÜRMS, Ice Station Isis, 2006 Materials: HD video, various installation components, donated ice hut For FASTWÜRMS Ice Follies project, the collective transformed their fishing hut into an esoteric set for their new...
by Admin | Feb 24, 2006 | 2006, Archives
Ice Follies 2006 February 18th - March 11th, 2006 Simon Frank, Hut, 2006 Materials: Borrowed ice hut, cedar branches, spikes, and snow For his Ice Folly, Simon Frank constructed his shelter out of both natural and man-made materials. Using the remains of a fishing hut...
by Admin | Feb 24, 2006 | 2006, Archives
Ice Follies 2006 February 18th - March 11th, 2006 Lori Grace Johnson, Meander, 2006 Materials: Plywood, wood, ice, wire, fabric For Ice Follies 2006, Lori Grace Johnson created Meander a work that fused remnants from our Post-industrial civilization with the natural...
by Admin | Feb 24, 2006 | 2006, Archives
Ice Follies 2006 February 18th - March 11th, 2006 Frank Kools, Legacy, 2006 Materials: Purpose-built ice hut, core-last, wood, flags, Plexiglas, and Styrofoam Frank Kools created an “Ice Carousel” for Ice Follies, 2006. This working kid’s carousel featured fish-shaped...