Ice Follies 2025
There is slippery ice; extra care and consideration is needed. Travelling and moving forward is difficult; the conditions are unsteady. The terrain ahead demands resilience and adaptability as the path forward remains uncertain.
New Adventures in Sound Art, Ice Sounds, 2025
For Ice Follies 2025, The Near North Mobile Media Lab in North Bay is partnering with New Adventures in Sound Art (NAISA), led by sound artist Darren Copeland, to present a collection of audio compositions for Ice Follies 2025. Featuring works by Shaughn Martel, Lina Choi, Genevieve Kiessling, Kyle Vanderlaan, and Stephanie Dupuis, these pieces are created using ice sounds recorded on Lake Nipissing and Trout Lake and reflect the festival’s theme, Ozhaashikwaa (The Ice is Slippery). Blending natural soundscapes with additional texts and audio elements, the compositions explore the ephemeral and transient nature of ice. The works will be showcased at two special listening parties during the outdoor festival and made available online.
Artist Bio:
Darren Copeland, a sound artist since 1985, is the founding Artistic Director of New Adventures in Sound Art (NAISA). His work spans multichannel spatialization for live performance, fixed media composition, soundscape, radio art, and sound installation. Copeland studied electroacoustic composition at Simon Fraser University and the University of Birmingham. His compositions, published on the empreintes DIGITALes label, often blend abstract and referential sound materials. He has created radio art works commissioned by public radio in Europe and North America, and sound installations exploring the relationship between sound and place. Copeland also writes about sound art and curates performances and installations for NAISA, continually developing new spatialization practices in the field.
Social Links:
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NAISA Website –