Ice Follies 2020

February 15th - 29th, 2020


Theme: mkomiiwi: be ice, turn to ice, be covered in ice, be icy
Exploring that transformation from water to ice and from one realm to another. As we shift and adapt new worlds are opened and old pathways disappear. Our mode of travel changes. Ice heaves form from prevailing winds. Ice is pushed up against itself, the shore. 

Studio Nude Beach: Hannah Smith, Allison Roberts, Eric Robillard and Benjamin Hermann, Tetra, 2020

TETRA is a 12′ x 12’ tetrahedron constructed of metal, wood, acrylic two way mirrors and a rear projection screen. At night abstract psychedelic videos made by Studio Nude Beach are projected onto the screen and snow creating an immersive kaleidoscopic effect on the inside. The full visual impact is collectively experienced by participants seated inside the structure. In the summer the floor of the structure is covered in foam and astroturf, and furnished with oversized fuzzy pillows to encourage people to comfortably share space while experiencing dynamic effects of the kaleidoscope. For the winter version of this installation the inside and main structure was sculpted out of snow. The 10 foot hut is a winter version of an exhibit originally installed at River & Sky Music Festival in Field Ontario, Bay Block Party in North Bay, Ontario.

“We’re going to project some images and some video and it becomes a bright kaleidoscope inside,” explained Smith as she worked on finishing the interior during an interview with BayToday. “We just wanted to make a really big piece, something psychedelic that people could crawl into and kind of overcome by but not overwhelmed,” added Roberts.

Besides Smith and Roberts, friends Eric Robillard and Ben Herman also pitched in. “Eric has done installation pieces that are also kaleidoscopes so we all took bits we were interested in and just blew it up and made it a huge amazing project.”

Artist Bio

Studio Nude Beach is an emerging artist collective based in North Bay, Ontario. We explore psychedelic and abstract sensory sanctuaries that enrich the experience of public spaces and events. Our work is a prompt to share space, interact and have a collective experience. All four members of Studio Nude Beach have diverse backgrounds in experimental art, film making, spatial design and building practice.

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